How do you manage your Smart Life devices on a new WiFi network effortlessly? Follow these steps for a seamless transition for how to change WiFi on Smart Life. Smart Life simplifies the process, enabling you to forget your old WiFi effortlessly. Open the app, select a new WiFi, and Smart Life changes WiFi smoothly in just minutes! 

To change the WiFi for Smart Life devices using the Smart Life app, open the app, tap settings, select the device, forget the current network, choose and enter a new WiFi, and let the device reconnect. The app makes it easy to switch devices to a different WiFi network in a couple of minutes. To know more on Smart Life change WiFi network, keep on reading!

Most people set up their smart home devices and leave the WiFi network unchanged for years. Yet, maintaining security is essential. Consider changing your WiFi password regularly and learning how to block internet access for enhanced connectivity and protection. Updating passwords on your router and smart home apps takes minutes, fortifying your digital defenses. Safeguard your home by taking these security steps and optimizing your WiFi signal strength. This article will explore how to change WiFi on Smart Life for added convenience and protection.

See Also: Reliance Wi-Pod Configuration | Complete Guide For 2024

How To Change WIFI On Smart Life

Here is a 6-step guide on how to change WiFi on Smart Life smart home devices in simple, straightforward language:

  1. Launch the Smart Life app on your phone to  Smart Life app changes the life app for ios and androidThis software will allow you to manage all of your smart gadgets.
  2. Press the “Settings” symbol in the top right corner, which resembles a little gear.setting
  3. Choose the device for which you wish to modify the WiFi network under “WiFi Configuration.” wireless settingsIt might be a camera, socket, smart lightbulb, etc.
  4. Select “Forget Network” by tapping it. forget this networkBy doing this, the WiFi it is now accessing will be disconnected.
  5. Select your preferred WiFi network from the list of alternatives. If prompted, enter the password.
  6. The gadget will establish a new WiFi network connection. wifi router voltageOnce it synchronizes for a minute, you’re ready to go! The gadget will now show a connection using the most recent WiFi. So that is how to change WiFi on Smart Life. 

Let us know if any of those steps on Smart Life change WiFi network need more explanation. The Smart Life app simplifies the process, straightforwardly switching devices to a different WiFi. This same ease applies when changing WiFi on iRobot, enhancing the connectivity of your smart home accessories to the network you desire.

See Also: Easy Steps For Nexxt Router Login | A Complete Guide

How Do I Reconnect My Smart Devices After Changing WiFi?

Here are the steps to reconnect your smart devices after changing your WiFi network, and in doing so, you encounter issues like logging into Tenda WiFi login. Need assistance with connectivity problems? Let us know.

  1. Ensure your new WiFi network can turn your smart gadgets on. wifiTo be able to detect the signal, they must be near enough.
  2. Launch your smart home system’s mobile app (Smart Life, Kasa, etc.). kasa home screenControl all of your connected gadgets with this app.
  3. Press and hold the gear icon to open the app’s settings, or select “Devices.”smart home appliances
  4. To reconnect a device, select it and click “Forget Device” or “Remove Device.” aiwit weak wifiIt is now possible to couple it once again.
  5. Return to your app’s main screen. change wifi on smart life appIt should now display the device as “disconnected.”
  6. To add a new device, click the “+” button; to reconnect an existing device, click its sign
  7. To get your smartphone into pairing mode, follow the steps provided by the app. wifi network should appear hereA button can be long-pressed, among other methods.
  8. The application will look for the device on its own. foldable mobilesOnce located, choose it from the list to complete the reconnect process.
  9. Your new WiFi has now been associated with your device! wifi extenderTry it out and experience smooth, smart home control once more.

Let us know if you have any issues reconnecting after a WiFi change. So that is all on how to connect Smart Life to WiFi. If your Arris WiFi Router is not working, troubleshooting the connection using the same Smart Life app can help resolve any connectivity issues swiftly.


How do I know if the WiFi change was successful?

After entering your new network details, your device will say 'Connected' if successful. You can also try controlling it from the app to confirm.

Can I change the WiFi anytime I want?

You're only locked into one network for a while. The process only takes a few minutes if you ever need to switch WiFi connections.

Do I need to be close to the router?

For best connection quality, be as close as possible during setup. But once configured, your device can connect anywhere in your home or nearby areas with the WiFi signal.

What if I have a guest network?

Smart devices work fine on guest networks, too. When setting up the device, use the actual password, not a temporary login.


Setting up your Smart Life devices to connect to a new WiFi network in minutes is easy. By following the above instructions on how to change WiFi on Smart Life and configuring the Smart RG Router login, you’ll continue to have seamless control and convenience over your smart home from anywhere.

Additionally, when changing your Roomba’s WiFi settings, you can enhance its integration into your smart home ecosystem for a more streamlined and connected experience.

See Also: Realtek Default Router Login – IP Link And Password

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